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1.1)    A Regularity Trial is a competitive event where speed is not the determining factor and wherein a timed schedule must be maintained. It is conducted on a route over public roads open to regular traffic and all local highway codes must be observed. A series of secret checkpoint locations will be established along the route to determine time schedules. The rider who maintains the closest time to the schedule is the winner.

1.2)    ENTRIES: the number of possible participants at Giro di California is limited and all entries are granted on a case by case basis at the discretion of the event organizer. All participants must submit an Entry Application which is accompanied by photos showing the left and right sides of the motorcycle.

1.2.1)  The following machines are eligible to submit an Entry
Application for Giro di California:

A)      Italian motorcycles manufactured in 1957 or before and having a maximum engine displacement no more than 175cc, plus allowable overbore. (consult AHRMA rules regarding maximum allowable overbore)

B)      Italian motorcycles manufactured subsequent to 1957 which are of “like design” to machines manufactured in 1957 or earlier, i.e. major mechanical components and styling are fundamentally similar to earlier machines and having a maximum engine displacement no more than 175cc.

C)      “Provisional Eligibility” may be granted to certain Italian motorcycles which did not come into production until 1958 or later, but (at the event organizer’s discretion) have a mechanical and styling character which is comparable to 1957 and older machines and having a maximum engine displacement no more than 175cc.

D)      Non-Italian motorcycles manufactured in 1957 or earlier and having a maximum engine displacement no more than 175cc may petition for entry and at the event organizer’s discretion may be allowed to participate.


A)      Current vehicle registration and proof of liability insurance, as required by California state law, must be carried at all times.

B)      Per the California Vehicle Code at least one rear view mirror must be affixed to the motorcycle in a position that is easily viewable from the rider’s position and on the left hand side of the motorcycle if only one mirror is used.

1.3.1)  NOT required, but STRONGLY recommended:

A)      Fresh tires that have been manufactured within the last 5 years.

B)      Full coverage crash helmet meeting Snell M2015 specification or better.

C)      Full coverage abrasive resistant clothing, leather or textile.

D)      Additional padding or armor, including full coverage back protector.

1.3.2)  Equipment Restrictions:

A)      GPS equipment shall not be installed or carried on machines competing in Giro d?California.

B)      Count down timers or timers with an audible time indicator shall not be installed or carried on machines competing in Giro d?California.

1.4)    Classes: the following divisions will be used for trophy distribution:

     A) Machines up to 75cc
     B) Machines up to 100cc.
     C) Machines up to 125cc.
     D) Machines up to 175cc.

1.5)    Riders found riding in the wrong engine class, or engaged in illegal practices, will be disqualified from the event. The following shall be considered to be illegal practices:

A.      Disregard of highway codes and/or speed limit laws. Arrest or citation by law enforcement officers for equipment or traffic violations is grounds for dismissal from the event.

B.      Demonstration of unsafe riding as may be observed by event staff or reported by fellow riders.

C.      Changing riders, machines, or numbers during event.

D.      Having confidential course information that could result in an unfair competitive advantage.

E.      Restricted equipment installed on a competing machine or carried by the rider.

1.6)    ROUTE

1.6.1)  The route must be 125 actual miles in length or longer.

1.6.2)  Persons who have confidential information regarding the route, key times and location mileages of any secret check, emergency check, or observation check are prohibited from participating in the event.

1.6.3)  Riders must remain on the mapped route. A rider who leaves the route may continue the meet only by re-entering the route at the same point, i.e. “shortcuts” are not permitted.

1.7)    CHECKING

1.7.1)  All checks must be identified with a flag indicating the type of check, the key time of the check and the mileage to that check from the start. All checks must be located so the key time is a full (even) minute. Any rider arriving within 59 seconds after the even minute shall be recorded as arriving on that minute.

1.7.2)  Riders must not stop within sight of a check or their time will be taken when their forward motion stops and a 50 point penalty will be applied to their score. Putting a foot down shall not indicate point of timing, but time will be taken and penalty applied if the rider zigzags or paddles to stall time.

1.7.3)  Key Times must always be shown for rider zero (#0). At least two
(2) different speed averages must be used.

1.7.4)  If speed changes between checks are used, they must be located so the key time is a full (whole) minute. In addition to showing the average speed to be maintained, the mileage must be shown.

1.7.5)  The mileage to each check location or speed change must be in multiples of one tenth of a mile.        Check mileage must be accurate within +/- 0.05 miles (264 feet) from the last posted mileage marker.

1.7.6)  Checks must not be more than 65 miles apart. Secret checks must not be located less than 3 odometer miles from any known control or secret check.

1.7.7)  There must be at least one gas available location for each 100 actual ground miles. A minimum of ten minutes (0:10:00) shall be provided for each gas stop.

1.7.8)  All checks must be opened fifteen minutes (0:15:00) before the due in time of the first rider and shall remain open one half hour, fifty-nine seconds (0:30:59) after the due in time of the last rider entered.

1.7.9)  A “known control” is a check whose mileage is known at the start by all entrants. Arrival times must be taken from such checks but there shall be no penalty for arriving early at a known check unless the rider is more than fifteen minutes (0:15:00) early.

1.7.10)  A “secret check” is one whose mileage, key time, and location is unknown to all entrants. Arrival times must be recorded at all secret checks. A minimum of two (2) secret checks must be used.

1.7.11) “Emergency checks” must be used for the purpose of breaking tied scores. Time to an emergency check must be computed to an even minute.
Two (2) emergency checks must be used for the purpose of breaking tied scores. The time taken at an emergency check shall be taken in minutes and seconds. In case of tied scores, the combined total emergency points lost shall be used to determine the winner. If a tie still exists, the emergency check closest to the end of the event shall be used to break
the tie. If necessary, revert back to the next preceding emergency check until the tie is broken. If a tie still exists or the event has ended prematurely, before any emergency checks have been reached, the affected scores will be compared to the last legal time checking station in a reverse order, and the first rider to receive the better score at any check including the last one, will be declared the winner. Emergency points shall be figured from the thirty second (0:00:30) mark of the rider’s due minute.

1.7.12)  An “observation check” may be used for determining that every contestant has traversed the entire course. Arrival times are not scored, but each rider’s number must be recorded.

1.7.13) “Start Control” – a timed checkpoint designating a starting or a release point. A point whose mileage and key time are listed on the route sheet. A timed check immediately preceding a start control may be located without regard to the 3 mile check separation rule, but the timed check immediately following a start control must meet the 3 mile check separation rule.

1.7.14) A register of all riders and the arrival times must be kept at each check, by check personnel. In order to prevent riders from attempting to recover a time deficit on a stage and get back on schedule, all riders arriving later than their originally scheduled time at Secret or Emergency checks shall have their key time reassigned to the time the rider actually reaches the checkpoint. This effectively puts the rider back on schedule, but the rider must reach the next check within that checkpoint’s designated “open” period or be considered a non-finisher for the stage.

NO RIDER MAY EXCEED THE SPEED LIMIT or violate any other traffic laws in an attempt to recover a time deficit on a stage. Average speeds are set so that reasonable deficits can be made up without exceeding posted speed limits, but excessive speed WILL NOT BE TOLERATED by the organizers and entrants are subject to expulsion from the event for
using excessive speed at any time during the event. DELAY SLIPS: The delay slip must indicate the mileage of the stage where a delay was encountered (Odo reading or instruction number on the roll chart), the elapsed time of the delay (rounded to the nearest full minute) and the reason for the delay. Delay slips must be filled out at the time of the delay and handed in to the Checkpoint Marshall immediately upon arrival at the next check encountered on the stage after the delay. Delay slips will be accepted for the following
reasons only:

     1) Delay due to slow moving traffic.

2) Delay due to impassable roadway (e.g. rider is forced to wait at a road construction site, etc.)

3) Delay due to medical emergency (e.g. rider stops to render assistance to someone who has been involved in a vehicle crash.)

No delay slips will be accepted for mechanical failure, navigational error, or any other reason except the reasons listed above.

1.7.15) Checking stations shall use the following flags which shall measure not less than 12″ x 12″ with a 6″ black letter.

     a) Known Control-Yellow Flag with “K”.

     b) Observation Check-White Flag with “O”.

     c) Secret Check-Red & White Flag with “S”.

     d) Emergency Check-Green & White Flag with “E”.

e) Start Control -Yellow & White with diagonal black stripe with black letters?ST?

Two flags will be used per check or control.

1.7.16) All flags must be conspicuously displayed and will designate the exact checking point.

1.7.17) Checking time shall be taken the instant the rider’s front wheel shall have arrived opposite the two flags. The imaginary line between the two flags should be indicated with lime.

1.7.18) Mileage resets (added mileage to give time) will be considered “ground mileage” (official) and this mileage may be used in placing subsequent timed checks. Resets, however, are not allowed two tenths (2/10) of a mile before a checkpoint or 1/10th of a mile after a checkpoint.

“Reverse” resets (subtracted mileage to make a rider late) will not be allowed. Free time or separate class speed averages may also be used.


1.8.1)  All clocks will be set to the second from the master clock used at the start of the day of the event. All clocks must be accurate to within 5 seconds within a 12-hour period.

1.8.2)  All checkpoint clocks must be displayed at the finish marked with the number of the check, as soon as possible after the checks have been closed.

1.8.3)  Each clock must be compared to the Master Clock as soon as possible after the check is closed, and certified by the Event Referee as to the difference, if any, between the two clocks. Any clock with more than 10 seconds difference shall be considered eliminated and that check used for observation purposes only.

1.8.4)  The Master Clock must be available in the starting area the day before the event.

1.9)    SCORING

1.9.1)  All scoring will be on a “points lost” basis: the best score being zero.

1.9.2)  Points will be lost as follows:

     a) One point for every minute late.

     b) Two points for the first minute early.

     c) Five points for each additional minute early.

1.9.3)  Non-finishers will have 100 points added to their score for each checkpoint missed and their positions will be determined by the number of checks completed and then by the score to that check.

1.9.4)  A rider who is more than fifteen minutes (0:15:00) early at a check, more than thirty minutes, fifty-nine seconds (0:30:59) late or does not reach a check before its designated closing time will be disqualified at that point. The rider shall be credited with the mileage to the last timed checking station and is eligible for awards on that basis. All riders must reach a minimum of two (2) timed checking stations to be eligible for awards.

1.9.5)  Any penalty section points must be added to the rider’s score before positions are determined.

1.9.6)  The register of riders from each check must be reviewed to verify the scores of trophy winners before the results are made official.

1.9.7)  In emergency check scoring; always develop the score from the 30-second mark of the rider’s due minute.


2.1)    AGILITY TESTS will be set up along the route. An AGILITY TEST will test the rider?s ability to cover a prescribed distance in a predetermined amount of time. Timing will be to a 1,000th of a second and electronically timed.

2.2)    When it is his/her turn to take the AGILITY TEST, the participant enters the holding area on his/her motorcycle to prepare for the trial. The holding area is the area outside the START ZONE. When indicated, the participant enters the START ZONE ? a boxed area adjacent to the TEST AREA. The official will then signal to the participant that he/she may begin the Test. The TEST AREA (non-stop zone) is the area between where the start and stop timing beam apparatus is placed. The
non-stop test distance must be covered in as near as possible to the set time (For example… 60m in 40 seconds). The test ends when the participant crosses the second timing beam at the end of the non-stop test zone. Once in the non-stop test zone, it is prohibited to stop the bike, reverse direction, put the feet on the ground or touch any external object for support. Zigzagging is permitted in order to cross the finish line (break the beam) in the set time. AGILITY TESTS may be set up either in a straight line or through a slalom course. Cones will mark the slalom tests.

2.3)    PENALTIES (within the AGILITY TESTS)

     A) One foot on the ground: 0.1 seconds
     B) U-turn/direction change: 10 seconds
     C) Stalling the bike (engine off): 10 seconds
D) Using external objects for support: 10 seconds
E) For every slalom cone knocked over: 0.5 second
     F) Complete avoidance of the slalom: 10 seconds
     G) Partial avoidance of the slalom: 5 seconds

2.4)    TIMERS

2.4.1)  To participate in the AGILITY TEST only the following timers are allowed: Mechanical watches or digital chronometers. Any countdown timer is illegal. Under no circumstances will acoustic or light emitting signal devices be permitted.



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